I Found Your Sticker on My New House, Can I Get the Report?
If you know you paid your inspector for a WDI (termite) inspection or it was included in their services please reach out to them for a copy of your report. If you did not purchase a wood destroying insect inspection from us, we cannot give you the report or any information about it. This is state law, not our policy. If you contact us we can let you know who did the inspection so you may contact them for another inspection.
I’m a Lender With an Unpaid Invoice From WDI Science. Where Do I Send Payment?
You don’t. Our inspectors collect payment from their customers. It is highly unlikely they need to be paid at closing. If the invoice you received is not marked paid that is likely a mistake. You can verify this by calling or emailing the inspector listed on the WDI inspection report you likely have with the invoice.
What is the Training Process?
Sign up with WDI Science, Watch training videos 28 hours self-paced, Complete 40 hours on the job training, Complete 8 hours test prep, Take the General and Category Exams.
How Long Does the Training Process Take?
3 to 6 months is typical and apprentices have up to 12 months before needing to resubmit their apprentice application. This process is affected by many things including but not limited to: TDAs backlog, the inspection market, Trainer availability, Apprentice availability, and much more.
What is the Test Like?
2 Parts, General – 50 questions general laws regs, Category- 50 questions Wood destroying insect Id laws treatment reporting
What is the fee to Get my License?
See the get licensed page.
What is the fee to transfer current my License?
See the Transfer page.
What is the fee per report?
Report fees vary depending on the license type and role in the company. In short, a Technician pays $25 per report. a Certified Applicator pays $19 per report. Other fee schedules are available for those filing more advanced roles within WDI Science.
Are there Monthly Fees?
No. Just a flat fee per report.